13 October 2006

So I guess I am finally jumping on the band wagon that is blogs. Well not jumping...falling maybe, possibly being pushed. I couldnt post on Karisa's unless I had one, so I figured I have better get one, cause commenting there is non-negotiable.

Dont look for too many posts or consistant updating. If you know me, then I see you and talk to you and you shouldn't have to read about my life on the internet. Unless one of us is out of country...in which case I will make an exception. :) Any posts here will be musings of a sort...what sort I havent decided.

Brilliance and wittiness to come later...

the Walrus


the Walrus said...

This is a test, this is only a test. How pathetic am I to comment on my own blog? Technically, I am not commenting on the actual blog, so maybe not so on the much.

Cynthe said...

Oh dear, Jessy. I hope you post more. I do enjoy your writings quite a lot. Please! Give us musings, Walrus.

Brian said...

hey so I am waiting for the wittiness...

ps Kar forced me on to blogs too

by the way I think my Keg has only the "good" stuff in it...gatoraid I think.